Answer the call: The Time is Now. Come Work with Us.

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Janine Kasper

PresidentJanine Kasper

Connie Davis

Founder, Restorative Commerce OfficerConnie Davis

The Future has No Map

Perspective is everything, especially when it comes to shaping the future of business and restoring communities.

At Kairos DCC, we firmly believe that the future is not predetermined, and that our communities will reflect the outcome of the actions and decisions we make today. To succeed in the long run, businesses and community leaders must be forward-thinking, innovative, and adaptable, leaving behind stagnant ways of the past.

As markets and industries continue to evolve, flexibility and willingness to pivot are key traits for thriving enterprises. We encourage businesses, nonprofit agencies and community leaders to embrace new technologies, adopt sustainable practices, and prioritize customer needs. By doing so, we create a brighter, more prosperous, and sustainable future for all.

At Kairos DCC, we understand that the future of business and commerce is in our hands. However, we believe there is a path to regenerative commerce and communities that empower everyone to thrive.  We are committed to shaping our future communities in a way that not only benefits our organizations but also contributes positively to the wider world. Together, let's embark on this transformative journey towards a future that is rich with possibilities and economic and financial abundance for all.